


Stress, Depression, Anxiety, Destistry


Objective: To analyze studies that evaluated Common Mental Disorders (CMD) in dental students through an integrative literature review, describing the characteristics of this disorder and its prevalence in this population. Methods: a search and selection of scientific articles that addressed the topic in dentistry students was carried out. For this, in the period of June and July 2020, a search was performed in the electronic databases Scielo and PubMed, in addition to an active search in references. The descriptors used were "mental disorder" (mental disorders) and "dental students" (dental students), associated by the Boolean operator AND. Results: 14 articles were published, published from 2011 to 2019, totaling 6,136 individuals. The prevalence of CMD in dental students varied between 30 and 45%, with the prevalence of stress ranging from 54 to 79%, anxiety 50 to 65% and depression 12 to 62%. Considerations: The analysis of the studies demonstrates the importance of establishing forms of early assessment, diagnosis and treatment of common mental disorders in the population of dental students, with the adoption of strategies for the prevention and promotion of mental health by policies public and private. Key words: stress, depression, anxiety, dentistry 


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Author Biography

  • Alice Hirdes

    Dr. Alice Hirdes, a nurse who holds a doctoral degree in Psychology, is currently full professor of Mental Health (Nursing and Psychology) at the Universidade Luterana do Brasil (ULBRA). She has participated in the discussions on the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform and on the development of a network of community-based mental health services since 1990. In addition to her academic experience, she took part in the implementation and coordinated one of the first Brazilian Psychosocial Care Centers (CAPS) which have been acknowledged as an important innovation in mental health decentralization by the Ministry of Health. She has presently carrying out researches on implementation on mental health in Primary Health Care. Her areas of interest have focused on the matrix support in mental health for primary care providers, on the need for integrated services and on the development of human resources in mental health in specialized and non-specialized settings. Ongoing researches have been aligned with transversal principles concerning universal access and equity, comprehensive care, human rights and intersectoral approaches. She also works as an ad hoc consultant at the Brazilian Ministry of Education in order to authorize and accredit courses, besides assessing higher education institutions in the country.



How to Cite

MENTAL HEALTH SYMPTOMS IN DENTAL STUDENTS: LITERATURE REVIEW. (2021). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 2(2), 325-338.