COVID-19, Hand Hygiene, NursingAbstract
According to ANVISA, hands are the main source of transmission and dissemination of microorganisms, both for patients and for nursing professionals who work. One of the most used precautions as prevention of Covid19 was precisely the hygiene of the hands. Objective: To conduct a review of the literature on hand hygiene as a goal to prevent covid19 infection. Method: Bibliographic review, with searches in databases, Medical Literature, Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE) and Latino- American and Caribbean Health Sciences (LILACS), virtual health library (VHL). The indexed descriptors were used: Covid-19, Hand Hygiene, Nursing, available in health sciences descriptors in the Portuguese and English, with the operator boolean “AND available in health sciences descriptors in the Portuguese and English. The period before Covid-19 Pandeminc was considered because that hand hygiene has already been defined as prevention of the spread of contamination. Results: The articles found are unanimous, pointing to the hygiene of the hands as control of the Covid-19. when the team adhered to this, this behavior of the professionals was positive in the control and prevention of hospital infection. Conclusion: It was identified that adequate hand hygiene is effective in combating cross-transmission by Covid-19.
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