
  • Rodrigo Afonso Ruas Uniara – Universidade de Araraquara
  • José Camilo Barbosa




work aims to present results of an improvement


This work aims to present results of an improvement project developed in an industry in the pulp and paper segment of the Ribeirão Preto region, in order to solve problems in the last phase of the manufacturing process called bleaching. The object of study focuses on the chlorine dioxide flow control mesh, used for pulp production, in which it was observed unexpected performance of the substance flow. Chlorine dioxide is used in the pulp bleaching process and must be accurately dosed for a good quality of the final product. To achieve the objective explained, theoretical concepts of the process were initially approached, then an analysis of instruments such as magnetic flow meter and control valve, computer programs used for evaluation and study of critical meshes. For the analysis of the problem, the DMAIC methodology was used, during the study and practices in the field it was found that all the instruments in the mesh were in regular functioning, but there was a variation in the control of chlorine dioxide flow, affecting the final product, cellulose. After the study it was concluded that the pipe curve was influencing the indication of the flow meter, generating bubbles in the flow of the chemical compound and interfering in the principle of measurement. After changing the pipe curve, there was an improvement in the passage of the substance, and the chlorine dioxide flow control mesh operated at quality levels acceptable by the company.


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How to Cite

FAULT IDENTIFICATION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF IMPROVEMENT IN THE CHLORINE DIOXIDE FLOW MESH FOR PULP PRODUCTION. (2021). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 1(1), e210918. https://doi.org/10.47820/recima21.v1i1.918