Artificial Intelligence, Education, Games, Learning, TeachingAbstract
Technological advances have been largely responsible for the changes that have taken place in the contemporary world, allowing people to perform their activities in a different way from what they used to use in the past. This period of transformation has made society more attentive to technological practices and put into action their constant use, which allows for longer time on the network. On the other hand, it should be noted that the arrival of technology has also allowed relationships between people to undergo a sudden change, putting aside face-to-face conversations in favor of virtual contact. In this way, the speed with which information started to be transmitted was evidenced, which were able to solve issues that were not possible before, due to its complexity, promoting, in turn, necessary means for the evolutionary process of the society. Therefore, technological advances, with an emphasis on Artificial Intelligence, have significantly transformed people's lives in society, promoting a diversified relationship, both in the social and professional environments. In this scenario, it is important to add that technological advances have also taken their place in the field of Education and have brought numerous benefits capable of significantly influencing the teaching-learning process, including becoming a motivating mechanism for students to develop their skills. potentialities, in addition to allowing teachers a new teaching model, necessary for their daily practice.
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