


Mathematics. Ludic. Teaching methodology. Importance. Incentive. Apprenticeship


This study addresses the theme of the use of play in the teaching of mathematical operations. Thus, it intends to answer the initial question: What is the importance and contribution of play in the process of developing skills and competencies in mathematics? Therefore, the objective of this work is to discuss the proposal of the use of playful resources in the teaching of mathematical operations. Thus, we sought to analyze the teaching of current mathematics and verify its importance for the daily life of students. The present study also sought to clarify the process and methods of teaching mathematics, to report how to find the current methodology, the role of teachers to teach mathematics, what teaching and learning methods and the difficulties encountered in the learning process. The research was carried out through the elaboration of a bibliographic, qualitative research, such as a search carried out in the Scielo and Google Scholar databases through indexed articles, as well as the use of printed literature scans that addressed the theme. In view of all the content that has been disseminated, it is perceived that mathematics is a topic of discussion among students, teachers and teaching teams, generating differences of opinion, thus becoming a search tool to improve the teaching of these disciplines. Therefore, mathematics is present in all day-to-day activities, which is of fundamental importance in its learning and in the methodology used to encourage, motivate and raise awareness of this importance.


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Author Biography

Wellington Abreu Martins, Seduc MA

Graduado licenciatura plena em Ciências com habilitação em química- UEMA/MA e licenciatura plena em matemática/ UNINTER, Pós graduado em Metodologia no ensino de Biologia e Química/UNINTER, professor de química na SEDUC - MA .


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How to Cite

Abreu Martins, W., Pereira Santos, N. V. ., Gomes Batalha, D. ., & Siqueira Pereira, M. . (2023). THE USE OF PLAY IN THE TEACHING OF MATHEMATICAL OPERATIONS. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(2), e422780.