


Supervised internship, Experience reports, Elementary School


This paper describes about the educational practices carried out during the discipline Supervised Internship in Computing I, in the undergraduate course of Degree in Computing, of the University of the State of Amazonas (UEA), in the Higher Education Center of Coari (NESCOA). The on-site activities were carried out in a school of the state school system, in the city of Coari – Amazonas. The discipline in this course, allows the trainee to experience the practice of the internship with research in public schools, in which the object of investigation is the educational problem, to be investigated, in this perspective, the trainee has the opportunity to propose possible solutions and for this, it is necessary to use the Digital Technologies of Information and Communication (TDIC). The work is based on a qualitative descriptive approach and reports in a contextualized way the experiences lived in the internship practice. The methodology describes the main stages of the research, emphasizing the use of the Digital Concept Collection, which is a set of 51 mathematics classes and Portuguese that prioritizes the use of the phonic method for children's literacy. Our considerations, according to the results obtained in the regencies, recommend the use of this technological resource by teachers, aiming at a better use in the teaching-learning process in Elementary School I.


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Author Biographies

Amanda Beatriz Avelar Rocha

Acadêmica do Curso de Licenciatura em Computação na Universidade do Estado do Amazonas -UEA, no Núcleo de Ensino Superior de Coari-AM – NESCOA/UEA. 

Luiz Sérgio de Oliveira Barbosa

Mestre em Tecnologias Emergentes em Educação pela MUST Universit, Flórida, USA. Professor na Universidade do Estado do Amazonas (UEA). 

Rogério Brito de Oliveira

Pós-Graduado em Supervisão Escolar pela Faculdade de Educação da Serra – FASE. Pedagogo da Secretaria de Estado da Educação e Desporto – SEDUC, Amazonas.


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How to Cite

Avelar Rocha, A. B., de Oliveira Barbosa, L. S., & Brito de Oliveira, R. (2023). SUPERVISED INTERNSHIP IN COMPUTING: A REPORT OF EXPERIENCES IN ELEMENTARY EDUCATION 1. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(4), e442991.