


Affective Abandonment. Liability. Legislation. Family Relations.


This article addresses the civil liability of filial affective abandonment, dealing with what involves the duty of care as well as the reparation of emotional damage caused by negligence in the context of family relationships. Referring to the lack of attention, care and affection on the part of a legal guardian in relation to a child, which end up generating negative emotional and psychological consequences for the child and/or adolescent. The Civil Responsibility of Filial Affective Abandonment has gained prominence in recent decades, and the increase in these discussions refers to the recognition of the importance of affection in the formation of personality and in the healthy development of the child. Although the law does not require parents to have an unconditional love for their children, it establishes the obligation to provide the basic conditions for their physical and emotional growth. In this study, it was observed that it is possible to sue for compensation for the damages caused. However, the jurisprudence is not yet unanimous regarding the obligation of compensation, since the subject involves a subjective and delicate analysis. Finally, we deal with the debates and disagreements regarding the application of this responsibility, and the discussion on the subject, as well as, demonstrating the need for specific legislation, to ensure this right to affection.


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Author Biography

Maria Clara Leal de Aguiar

Unifsa - Centro Universitário Santo Agostinho


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How to Cite

Martins Rodrigues, A. C., & Leal de Aguiar, M. C. (2023). CIVIL LIABILITY FOR FILIAL AFFECTIVE ABANDONMENT IN BRAZIL: THE LEGAL VALUE OF AFFECTION. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(1), e413413.