
  • Alvaro Carvalho Dias da Silva
  • Jorge Luiz Pereira Correia
  • Celia Maria da Silva



Technologies. Virtual learning environments. High school. Teaching. Learning. School.


Information and communication technologies (ICTs) and virtual learning environments are increasingly highlighted in the school context, even more so from the perspective of didactic innovation in high school. Many are, in fact, their contributions to reproducing countless potentialities and benefits in the academic performance of high school students in schools, however, one cannot fail to emphasize, on the other hand, the barriers and challenges that hinder more assertive results. and fruitful, in some specific situations. Therefore, the objective of the present study is to discuss the role and value of technology, with an emphasis on the virtual learning environment, in the context of building knowledge among high school students and improving teaching practices. To this end, a literature review (bibliographical research) was carried out, with a qualitative, exploratory and explanatory basis. With this, it was concluded that technologies and virtual learning environments define a more stimulating and innovative, interactive, motivating, dynamic and constructive learning space for the knowledge of students and teachers. Furthermore, there are barriers and challenges that prevent the development of better results in high school, especially in the context of infrastructure and inadequate conditions in many schools regarding the use of technologies, resistance on the part of some teachers, managers or pedagogical teams, lack of access to broadband networks by students from the poorest communities, among others.


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Author Biographies

Alvaro Carvalho Dias da Silva

FACSU Faculdade Sucesso.

Jorge Luiz Pereira Correia

Doutor em Ciências da Educação pela World University Ecumenical, WUE. Faculdade Sucesso FACSU.

Celia Maria da Silva

Mestre em Ciências da Educação pela World University Ecumenical, WUE. Faculdade Sucesso FACSU.


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How to Cite

Carvalho Dias da Silva, A., Pereira Correia, J. L., & da Silva, C. M. (2023). TECHNOLOGIES IN HIGH SCHOOL: A SPECIAL DISCUSSION ON VIRTUAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(10), e4104141.