Personal search. Suspicion is well-founded. Jurisprudence of the Superior Court of Justice. Military police. Overt policing.Abstract
The purpose of this article is to analyze the Brazilian legal system, in a systemic and qualified manner, on the possibility of a military police officer in the exercise of his constitutional function, of overt police and preservation of public order, in carrying out a police approach, personal search and vehicle, under the aegis of well-founded suspicion and from the perspective of legality based on the understanding of the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice, petrified in several judgments, which will be analyzed in the sequence of this article. This work will also address the fundamental rights and guarantees inherent to citizens and their relativization in the exercise of administrative police. The methodology used is based on eminently theoretical arguments through biographical, doctrinal and jurisprudential elements from the Superior Court of Justice. The results showed that, although the Federal Constitution of 1988 establishes, among the fundamental rights and guarantees, the right to freedom and the right to come, go and remain, it is clear that no right is absolute, and a police approach is fully possible, personal and vehicular search in cases of well-founded suspicion that the individual is committing a crime, has just committed it or is found, shortly after, with instruments, weapons and objects that lead to the belief that he is the author of a criminal type protected by the Brazilian legal system.
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