Learning. Education 5.0. Teaching.Abstract
The purpose of this study is to bring to light the challenges and possibilities provided by the emergence of Education 5.0, especially with regard to the need to understand the global transformations due to the process of evolution of digital technologies and their inclusion in the educational field. In this sense, it is clarified that it is essential that teachers considered digital immigrants seek to overcome the challenges presented in relation to the use of digital technologies, since today's society requires adequate training, which is truly capable of including them in the educational environment, because digital students, also known as digital natives, are already accustomed to these mechanisms. After all, they live in a completely virtual environment, which makes them empowered to use them effectively. In order to be able to discuss this theme, the construction of this study sought to develop a theoretical-bibliographic research, based on the concepts presented by authors of the literature, with the objective of reflecting and analyzing the challenges and possibilities brought by the technological evolution to the educational field, which generated the emergence of Education 5.0, listing, in this panorama, the emerging educational technologies, which are strategies and solutions capable of integrating teachers and students, through a pedagogical trajectory that involves creative and collaborative learning.
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