
  • Maria Fernanda Magro da Silva



Accounting; Planning; Strategies; Companies; Reasons.


One of the main reasons why micro and small businesses do not stay in the market is the fact that Brazil has a high tax burden, making the economic scenario difficult for small business owners. That is why it is necessary to manage a business with strategies that help the entrepreneur in the success of his activities, as well as in the management of costs and reduction of taxes, aligned with an accounting team that analyzes the best strategies for each business. We have Tax Planning as an important strategy to be adopted by micro and small companies in order to reduce the tax burden, however, it is observed that such companies, opting for Simples Nacional, do not incorporate this planning into their business, and end up failing to benefit from tax reduction tools and financial management. which consequently can lead to the failure of the company. In order to understand the reasons that lead entrepreneurs not to adhere to Tax Planning, this study was developed, and it could be observed that the most frequent reasons are the lack of knowledge about the tool or the fact that entrepreneurs do not know how to use it in a favorable way for their company, in addition to still having many difficulties in the management of their business.


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Author Biography

Maria Fernanda Magro da Silva

Faculdade Cristo Rei - faccrei - Cornélio Procópio - PR.


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How to Cite

Magro da Silva, M. F. (2023). CHALLENGES OF IMPLEMENTING TAX PLANNING IN THE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT OF MICRO AND SMALL BUSINESSES . RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(1), e414497.