


Autohemotherapy. Blood. Response cells


This is a case study, descriptive, experiment, with research and action, of a qualitative and quantitative nature, with the aim of identifying the main response cells after the application of autohemotherapy, in a health student at the Polytechnic Institute of the José University Eduardo dos Santos. Including volunteer students with certain pathologies such as: menstrual irregularity, female frigidity, allergy, lower limb injury for more than 2 years, benign tumor in the eyes, and those free of any pathology, carried out from October 2023 to January 2024. Results: Having identified leukocytes especially macrophages, neutrophils and lymphocytes after autohemotherapy with an increase from 0 to 19% of macrophages after, neutrophils from 43 to 51% and lymphocytes types from 50 to 34% in 24h, although this is not the objective the practice was able to eliminate allergies, menstrual irregularity from two weeks to 4 days, improvement in desire and sexual activity in 100% of cases, elimination of benign tumors, limb injuries, illustrating that the practice can be efficient in controlling such illnesses . Final considerations: It is considered that Auto-Hemotherapy is a simple procedure capable of stimulating an increase in the production of leukocytes from 4,000 to 8,000/ul of blood in seven days, especially macrophages, neutrophils and lymphocytes, especially reactive ones, especially to sick individuals, which can cause minor adverse reactions such as a slight headache and a slight drop in red blood cells, which can be corrected with the administration of supplements such as vitamin C, B12 and iron.



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Author Biographies

Rosalia Catuta Menezes da Costa Pascoal

Graduated in Clinical Analysis and Public Health, from the Instituto Superior Politécnico de Benguela, Postgraduate in Pedagogy from the Instituto Superior Politécnico do Huambo and Master's degree in Medical Parasitology, from the Faculty of Medicine of the Katiavala Buila University and Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine of the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Professor in the subjects of Introduction to the Laboratory, Public Health, Health Administration, Good laboratory practices, Hygiene and safety at work at the Instituto Politécnico da Universidade José Eduardo dos Santos, and at the Instituto Superior de Humanidade Ekuikui II (ISUPE).

Pedro Raúl Feliciano

Graduated in Clinical Laboratory from the José Eduardo dos Santos University (UJES), Postgraduate in Didactics for Higher Education with Emphasis on Active Teaching Methodologies from the Polytechnic Institute of Caála, Master's degree in Medical Education from the Faculty of Medicine of the Agostinho Neto University. Researcher and Professor of the Clinical Laboratory II and III chairs; and Health Care in Disasters I and II, at the Polytechnic Institute of the José Eduardo dos Santos University (UJES). Executive Secretary of the Order of Clinical-Laboratory Biomedicals of Huambo.

António Ribeiro Chissululo Chissoca

Degree in Veterinary Medicine from the José Eduardo dos Santos University (UJES)' Postgraduate degree in Didactics of Higher Education from ISCED Huambo, Didactics for Higher Education with an emphasis on Active Methodologies in Higher Education from the Instituto Superior Político da Caála, Master in Medical Biotechnology from the Federal University of Santa Catarina - Brazil and PhD student at the University of São Paulo - Brazil in the Musculoskeletal System Sciences program of the Faculty of Medicine - FAMUSP in Brazil and Researcher and Assistant Professor of the subjects of Diagnostic Means, Scientific Research Methodology and Biological Agents at the Polytechnic Institute of UJES.

Félix Bulica Cambundo

Licenciando em Laboratório Clínico, na Universidade José Eduardo dos Santos, Huambo, Angola. Técnico de Análises Clínicas, pelo Instituto Técnico de Saúde do Cuanza Sul. Especialista em Redação e Publicação de artigos Científicos, pelo Instituto Superior Politécnico da Caála, Huambo, Angola; Segurança da Informação e Gestão Documental, pela Universidade José Eduardo dos Santos, Huambo, Angola. Pesquisador científico. Representante provincial do Centro Médico Macav saúde ocupacional no Huambo.

Eugénio Wambo Dinis

Estudante do Curso de Laboratório Clínico pelo Instituto Politécnico da Universidade José Eduardo dos Santos (UJES). Técnico de Análises Clínicas pelo Instituto Técnico de Saúde do Cuanza Sul. Pesquisador e Educador de Saúde Comunitária. Membro do Núcleo de Investigação Científica do Huambo.

Justino de Jesus Embuanga

Estudante do Curso de Laboratório Clínico pelo Instituto Politécnico da Universidade José Eduardo dos Santos (UJES). Técnico de Analises Clinica pelo Instituto Técnico de Saúde do Huambo. Analista Clinico do Hospital Municipal da Caála.

Anastasia Nahunda David

Estudante do Curso de Laboratório Clínico pelo Instituto Politécnico da Universidade José Eduardo dos Santos (UJES). Técnica de Analises Clinica pelo Instituto Técnico de Saúde do Huambo. 


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How to Cite

da Costa Pascoal, R. C. M., Feliciano, P. R., Chissoca, A. R. C., Cambundo, F. B., Dinis, E. W., Embuanga, J. de J., & Nahunda David, A. (2024). APPLICATION OF AUTOHEMOTHERAPY IN HEALTH STUDENTS AT THE POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE OF THE JOSÉ EDUARDO DOS SANTOS UNIVERSITY. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 5(7), e575522.