
  • Tatiane Leal de Oliveira



Theft. Theft. Consummation. Offenses


The purpose of the theme is to address the difference in the time when the crimes of robbery and theft are committed and, for this, each crime and its main similarities and divergences will be conceptualized in a clear and succinct manner. In this sense, determining the consummation of the crime of theft is a very controversial issue in the field of doctrine and jurisprudence. For this reason, several theories have emerged in order to establish the exact moment of consummation of the crime. Based on this, this work will use doctrines in order to understand whether the consummation is necessary for the peaceful possession of the thing and, also, whether the use of violence or serious threat to the person in cases of theft is necessary and, indeed, if the agent, in order to carry out the crime, needs to remove the material property from the victim's possession and transfer it to his possession.


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Author Biography

Tatiane Leal de Oliveira

Especialização em Pós-graduação em Direito Público Lato Sensu pela APROBATUM / ANAMAGES - Associação Nacional dos Magistrados Estaduais, Brasil (2009)


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How to Cite

Oliveira , T. L. de . (2022). ANALYSIS OF CONSUMABLE MOMENT IN THEFT AND THEFT OFFENCES. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 3(1), e31952.