


describes some experiences of academic monitoring


This article describes some experiences of academic monitoring in the context of online education in the Bachelor of Nursing course at a private institution, located in Rio de Janeiro, taking into account the teaching and learning strategies in social networks, adopted during hybrid teaching in the year 2021 (two thousand and twenty-one). The monitoring proposal focused on the adaptation and use of technological tools for teaching and interacting with students, providing didactic content in a summarized form, reading tips and movies through the chosen platform. Digital Information and Communication Technologies (TDIC) have become increasingly indispensable resources in the educational context, cooperating considerably in the interaction between monitors and students. To handle the use of active methodologies, we used the Instagram© platform and its resources, which enabled the monitor to transmit content and activities more dynamically, encouraging reading and research outside the classroom. Through Instagram© it was possible to analyze and present the data obtained from the students' interaction. The results obtained were satisfactory, taking into account the academic performance of the participating students.


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Author Biographies

Rebeca Marinho de Amorim

Centro Universitário Celso Lisboa

Veronica das Neves Barbosa

Centro Universitário Celso Lisboa

Patrícia Britto Ribeiro de Jesus

Centro Universitário Celso Lisboa



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How to Cite

Amorim, R. M. de ., Barbosa, V. das N., & Jesus, P. B. R. de. (2021). USE OF SOCIAL NETWORKS IN ACADEMIC MONITORING ACTIVITIES IN HEALTH: EXPERIENCE REPORT. RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 2(11), e211994.