



experiences, design, multidisciplinary, well-being, positive psychology


Multidisciplinary design and positive psychology are assimilated into theories in the experiences of subjective well-being. The article questions whether it is possible for a conceptual model based on positive experiences to become a decisive factor in choosing where a user can stay? Knowledge correlates in the evidence, justified in this article, in fruitful solutions in providing positive experiences. The objective of the proposal was the crossing of theories and the application of field research that resulted in a conceptual model about positive experiences, reproduced for a hostel. It is suggested to apply the theories addressed by the mentioned authors, as a basis for the structure of the questionnaire, for an experience of well-being for the user, enabling satisfaction, pleasure and meanings. Responding to the objective of this article, it is evident from the data collected that it is possible to offer positive experiences through a hostel and be the determining factor of choice for a user. It becomes evident in the multidisciplinary of the areas, relating them in what they propose experiences in subjectivity about well-being


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Author Biographies

João Juarez Jacques da Silveira Neto

Master's student in Design at the State University of Santa Catarianha (UDESC),
Latu Senso Specialist in Experience Design and UX/UI (2022) at the Uiversidade do
Extremo Sul Catarinense (UNESC). Also a Lato Senso specialist in Technology for
Professional Education (2023) from the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina (IFSC).
Also a specialist in Positive Psychology (2021) from Faculdade Venda Nova do Imigrante
(FAVENI). Graduated in Fashion Design (2020) from Cesumar University. Currently an
entrepreneur in the experience design segment.

Icléia Silveira

PhD in Design (2011) from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio).
Master in Production Engineering (2003) from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC).
Specialist in Industrial Design, Styling and Fashion Modeling (1992) from the State University
of Santa Catarina (Udesc). Also a specialist in Update for Higher Education teachers (1980)
at UFSC. Also specialist in Geography and Regional and Urban Development (1978) from UFSC.
Graduated in Geography (1976) from UFSC. Currently, she is a member of the permanent
teaching staff of the bachelor's degree in fashion and the Postgraduate Program in Clothing
and Fashion Design (PPGModa), both at Udesc. He is a member of the Fashion Design and
Technology Research Group (Udesc/CNPq). He is a member of the editorial board of the
magazine ModaPalavra e-periódico (Udesc). He is a member of the Brazilian Association of
Fashion Studies and Research (ABEPEM). She is coordinator of the Clothing Technology and
Creative Economy Laboratory (LaCRIAT), at Udesc. He works, teaches and researches the
following areas: ergonomics, flat modeling of clothing, moulage, production processes in
the textile and clothing industries, knowledge management, fashion business and
organizational learning. Contact: Icleiasilveira@gmail.com

Lucas da Rosa

Bachelor of Economic Sciences (Year: 2000) - Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC).
Specialist in Lato-Sensu in Fashion: Creation and Production (Year: 2002) and Master in
Education and Culture (Year: 2005), both training at the State University of Santa Catarina
(UDESC). PhD in Design (2012) - Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio).
He is currently a tenured professor at UDESC, working on the Bachelor's Degree in Fashion
and the Postgraduate Program of the Professional Master's Degree in Clothing and Fashion
Design (PPGModa). He has experience in the Fashion Sector, with an emphasis on Clothing
Technology, working mainly on product design and development. I develop extension actions
in partnership with the Associação Santa Catarina Moda e Cultura (SCMC), based in Blumenau

Cláudio de São Plácido Brandão

PhD in Design and Society from PUC-Rio (2012). He is currently a professor at the State
University of Santa Catarina. Deputy leader of the Poéticas do Urbano research group, which
works with the discussion of Policies and Poetics that have the city as a theme and as
actions to be carried out in it, with one of the objectives being the constant search to
integrate academic studies and researchers into contemporary urban dynamics. He was a
professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Santa Catarina
for 32 years. Senior photographer at the Aruera Oficina de Fotografias studio
(Florianópolis, SC, Brazil). He works on research into the Social History of Photography.
He holds a degree in Operations Engineering, Mechanical Manufacturing Modality, from the
University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos (1977), a Full Degree for Teacher Graduation from the
State University of Santa Catarina (1985) and a Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering
from the Federal University of Santa Catarina ( 1980).

Daniela Novelli

PhD in Human Sciences from the Interdisciplinary Program in Human Sciences (PPGICH) at the
Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), Gender Studies area, with the thesis: Whiteness
in Vogue [Paris and Brazil]: images of symbolic violence in the 21st century ( 2014). He
completed a doctoral internship at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS -
CAPES/COFECUB) and a postdoctoral internship at the Université de Paris-Sorbonne Paris IV,
at the Center de Recherches Interdisciplinaires sur les Mondes Ibériques Contemporains
(CRIMIC) with a scholarship research CAPES BEX 6682/14-6 (Brazil). Master in History from
the State University of Santa Catarina (UDESC), History of the Present Time (2009), with
studies focused on contemporary image/youth in fashion periodicals. Specialist in Fashion:
Creation and Production by UDESC (2002). Bachelor in Fashion, with a qualification in
Styling from UDESC (2000). Collaborating researcher at the Institute of Gender Studies
(IEG) at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC). Member of advisory boards for
Revista DaPesquisa and Revista de Ensino em Artes, Moda e Design. She is currently
editor-in-chief of the magazine ModaPalavra E-periódico, assistant professor in the
Bachelor's degree in Fashion at the State University of Santa Catarina (UDESC) accredited
in the Professional Master's Degree in Clothing and Fashion Design of the Postgraduate
Program in Fashion (PPGMODA) from the same institution, coordinator of the Teciteca
extension program and member of the research group "Fashion, Arts, Teaching and Society"
certified by CNPq.

Monique Vandresen

Journalist and university professor, she has worked with Cultural Journalism since 1988,
edited the culture section of Jornal O Estado and collaborated with publications such as
Revista Nova Cosmopolitan, Revista Veja, Revista Empreendedor, Jornal O Catarina, Jornal da
Indústria e Comércio, Jornal AN Capitais . He works at TV Cultura and produces videos and
broadcasts for UDESC, UFSC and the Ministry of Education. She has a PhD in Communication
Sciences from the University of São Paulo (2005) and develops research in the area of
​​Communication, with an emphasis on the role of the women's magazine in the construction of
concepts of fashion and elegance. Associate professor at the State University of Santa
Catarina, completed postdoctoral studies at the University of California-Riverside. You
have experience in the area of ​​Fashion, Art and Design, working mainly on the following
themes: Transmedia, New Media, Fashion, Behavior, History, Communication and Consumption.
Graduated in Social Communication from the Federal University of Santa Catarina (1990),
with a degree in Development from the Institute of Social Studies (1993), where she
graduated from the Dutch Government. Professor of two Postgraduate Programs, Master in
Graphic Design and Master in Strategic and Social Design at USIL/Universidad San Ignacio
de Loyola, in Lima, Peru.


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How to Cite

da Silveira Neto, J. J. J., Silveira , I., da Rosa, L., de São Plácido Brandão, C., Novelli, D., & Vandresen, M. (2023). EXPERIENCES AND WELL-BEING: THE MULTIDISCIPLINARY CORRELATION OF DESIGN AND POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY: . RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(12), e4124489. https://doi.org/10.47820/recima21.v4i12.4489