



Pure Reason, Science, Scientism, Indoctrination, metaphysics of nature, Metaphysics of customs


The truth and science have been presented, accepted, and lived in the nihilistic concept not because the value of the human being is null, but because such indoctrination zeroed in on the scientific basis from the concept of the blank slate that made us believe in the innate nullity of an inert meat loaf that from its first cry never stopped whining. As long as there is life, the being will seek meaning in death, as he believed empirically that there was no hope that would safeguard him. The articles of faith presented by Hilton Japiassu, which support the scientificist ideology, indoctrinate not only the undifferentiated object giving it the false impression of a subject, but also the non-existent Vygotskian individual taken from its zone of proximal development to place it in the potential zone where there will only exist as a social being. Science presents itself as omniscient and becomes the only true knowledge and this truth becomes indoctrination. Science presents itself omnipotent and steals hope and belief in anything other than itself, becomes omnipresent and becomes part of all businesses, actions, thoughts, and consciences. The purpose of this article is to corroborate the article by Hilton Japiassu (2016) and is justified by the scientism and indoctrination that support contemporary science and truth. The problem question to be answered is: Are Japiassu's Articles of Faith legitimate foundations of true science? By the corroboration itself, the author's hypothesis is that it is not.


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Author Biography

  • Moises Lopes da Silva

    Graduado em Letras e Pedagogia; Pós-graduado em psicopedagogia clínica e institucional; Mestre e doutorando em Educação; Psicanalista; escritor: Emoções Cognoscentes Editora Appris; CAPES - UNINI La Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana


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How to Cite

PURE REASON VERSUS METAPHYSICS OF HUMAN REASON. (2022). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 3(2), e321087. https://doi.org/10.47820/recima21.v3i2.1087