research aimed to verify whether the use ofAbstract
This research aimed to verify whether the use of three teaching methods pointed out by neuroeducation as effective for learning mathematics really were able to improve the level of knowledge of 20 students from a public university in Alagoas in trigonometry. The choice of this topic was due to the great failure of the Fundamentals of Mathematics II discipline, which aims to study this topic. The research had a quasi-experimental design, quantitative approach with explanatory scope, with a longitudinal cut, in which we carried out an educational intervention for a period of three months. As data collection we use a pre-test and a post-test. The result we obtained was that the average of correct answers for the pre-test and post-test questions rose from 57.19% to 76.48%. Thus, we conclude that the methods used can collaborate in the teaching-learning process of trigonometry.
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