
  • Erica Neves Mariano
  • Gislene dos Santos Sousa



Psychology applied to Law. Full Disability. Relative Disability. Semi imputability. Non-imputability. Psychopathologies.


The Penal Code, a priori, considering the legal applicability in relation to the accused who has mental disorders, establishes semi-imputability and this is applied in part according to art. 45 of Law 11.343/06, considering that those accused of a crime and who have any mental disorder are directed to psychiatric treatment. In this sense, Psychology in the legal field is increasingly present and much is due to the need for an interdisciplinary action arising from the demanding effective dialogue between Psychology and Law, especially in cases that require attention, such as individuals who have a mental disorder that , according to legal scholars, are considered unimputable before the judiciary. Therefore, the present work will address the mental disorder and the relationship with psychology applied to law.


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Author Biographies

  • Erica Neves Mariano

    Pós-graduação em Direito Público pela Estácio

  • Gislene dos Santos Sousa

    Pós-Graduada em Investigação Criminal e Psicologia Forense pela Unyleia


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How to Cite

MENTAL DISORDERS AND PSYCHOLOGY APPLIED TO LAW. (2022). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 3(3), e331284.