Evaluation, Performance, ManagerAbstract
The article aims to achieve a holistic view on the part of people managers, abandoning old behaviors and changing mental models for tasks related to dealing with their partner. Performance management is present in all organizations focused on employee development, starting with leadership in their Soft Skills and Hard Skills, i.e., an understanding of behavioral cognitive aspects and technical concepts and updating the way the group leads to results. For this, classical evaluation techniques will be appreciated, as historical conceptualization, as well as the most contemporary ones, so that they can be developed and applied in the organization, respecting the organizational culture and the management model employed. The article does not intend to go deep into the presentation of the techniques, being only a stimulus to the reader in the research of each of them. The contribution of this article aims to meet individual longings and the achievement of macro organizational objectives. The ideas presented here will serve as a basis for the continuation of studies related to the preparation of the performance manager.
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