seeks to help the individual in the, Professional Orientation, Popular Classes, Current Models of Action (Performance)Abstract
Vocational Guidance is a tool of Psychology, which seeks to help the individual in the construction of his life project. That said, the purpose of this article is to investigate whether there are specific models of OP application to the reality of the popular classes and/or whether a new proposal is needed to meet this audience. The theme is justified by the importance to the studies of Psychology, Education and Public Policies. This research intends to answer the following questions: are there current intervention models in Vocational Guidance, capable of meeting the needs of the popular classes, or is there a need for a new intervention proposal? For this, a bibliographic review was carried out, through the consultation of books and scientific articles that address the topic of OP in public schools, with selected research carried out at different stages of educational development. From the study of Vocational Guidance history, as well as the data obtained on the practice carried out in the Supervised Internship in Educational Processes, the importance of OP in public schools was evidenced, in addition to the fact that there is no specific model that fits the this context. It is concluded that the theoretical and methodological investments of the OP, as well as the popular classes, are important to ensure the advancement of this tool and for the elaboration of new action strategies.
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