role that the Physical Education professionalAbstract
The role that the physical education professional can play in early childhood education is essential, since the set of knowledge that he can add with his practice contributes to the construction of the formative, integrative and stimulating character. Concomitantly, the objective was, in general, to analyze the contributions to learning that the physical education teacher can offer to Early Childhood Education. In order to achieve what we sought to study, nine physical education teachers working in Early Childhood Education answered the research instrument consisting of a questionnaire with questions related to the objectives of this study. Through qualitative research, inductive method and basic nature, we obtained the results that were fully transcribed and grouped by similarities. It was evidenced, therefore, that the insertion of the Physical Education teacher in this stage of basic education contributes significantly to the integral education of the child, in its motor, cognitive, affective and social aspects, since the teaching work reflects, selects, organizes, plans, monitors and evaluates the set of practices and interactions, ensuring the plurality of situations that promote the full development of children.
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