
  • Laurimar de Matos Farias
  • Julienne Edienne Pereira Pantoja



Pedagogical Practices, Teaching work, Teaching Illness


The present text analyzes the relations between the pedagogical practices and the actions of orientation and care with the teachers' health. It is known that the illness of teachers is presented as originating from the routine of the very practice of this professional, being common due to the working day, the relationship with the number of students per class and the precariousness of the educational spaces where they develop their work. In this aspect, pedagogical practices that contribute to the reduction of this illness are necessary. The methodology of the work was based on the literature review about pedagogical practices and teachers' illness, as well as on the analysis of available data from the annual reports of the Municipal Secretary of Education of Belém. It was concluded that the Municipal Education Network presents an indicative tendency with an expressive number of illnesses among its employees. Thus, preventive actions, in this case, specific pedagogical practices, are of utmost importance in the orientation to the prevention of functional illness.


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Author Biographies

  • Laurimar de Matos Farias

    SEMEC - Secretaria Municipal de Educação

  • Julienne Edienne Pereira Pantoja

    SEMEC - Secretaria Municipal de Educação



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How to Cite

PEDAGOGICAL PRACTICES AND THEIR INTERFACE WITH TEACHER HEALTH: some approaches. (2022). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 3(9), e391871.