Mental health; Chatbot; Health professionals; Pandemic; self care.Abstract
Objective: This paper aims to develop a scoping review to analyze how the chatbot can assist in promoting self-care in metal health for health professionals who work with the direct care of patients with COVID-19 throughout the pandemic. Review Method: The research methodology will be based on evidence-based practice (EBP) studies and the principles of the scoping review protocol through its construction phases, as guided by the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) Manual, using the search strategy with the criteria P(population) = Health Professionals, C(concept) = knowledge production in mental health through the use of chatbot and C(context) = pandemic. The search will be conducted through the databases of the Virtual Health Library (VHL), PUBMED and Grey Literature source - Google Scholar, Manuals of the Ministry of Health and World Health Organization, being selected according to pre-defined inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results: these will be presented based on Bardin's structural analysis proposal, which highlights the extracted information, classifying it into conceptual categories, according to the unfolding of critical discussions based on the findings and the verification performed by the reviewers.
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