


Teens. Anxiety. Depression. Nutrients.


ABSTRACT: Currently, in Brazilian society many people have symptoms related to anxiety and depression diseases. They are considered diseases that, in the long term, seriously impair people's quality of life if left untreated. In this way, neuronutrition is of paramount importance, considering that it helps analyzing the individual's eating habits and their relationship with cognitive performance, as well as identifying the influence of nutrition directly on the disorders caused by depression and anxiety. In this sense, the present study sought to understand, through a bibliographic review, the relationship between nutrients and eating habits with depression and anxiety disorders in adolescents. Furthermore, it is an integrative review, with the consultation carried out on the subject from magazines and scientific journals and databases such as: SCIELO and Google Scholar with a time cut from 2010 to 2020, from the following descriptors: food , adolescents, anxiety, depression, nutrients, neuronutrition, vitamins and eating habits. Therefore, it was observed that the quality of food may be related to such disorders, since nutrients such as tryptophan, vitamin D, omega 3 and B complex vitamins contribute to the production of neurotransmitters and their deficiency is related to the pathophysiology of these diseases. Therefore, the present study is essential for nutritionists to help and prevent the treatment of depression and anxiety.


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Author Biographies

  • Cristiane Souza Neres

    Graduanda do curso de bacharelado em Nutrição do Centro Universitário Aparício Carvalho.

  • Driza Caline da Silva Lopes

    Student of the nutrition course at the Aparício Carvalho University Center, Porto Velho-RO.

  • Luana Souza Nunes

    Student of the nutrition course at the Aparício Carvalho University Center, Porto Velho-RO.

  • Ziletai Pereira do Nascimento Silva

    Graduated from Centro Universitário São Lucas (2009). Specialization in Clinical Nutrition at Centro Universitário São Lucas (2017). Specialization in Maternal and Child Nutrition by Faculdade Laboro (2022). Professor at the Aparício Carvalho University Center-FIMCA.


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How to Cite

THE RELATIONSHIP OF NUTRIENTS WITH DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY FOR ADOLESCENTS. (2022). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 3(1), e3122452.