


Dejudicialization, Extrajudicial, Execution


In contemporary times, the excess of demands in the Judiciary presents itself as a challenge to Brazilian jurists, mitigating access to justice. Among the topics with a large number of actions in the judiciary are the procedures for executing civil titles. In this area, it is relevant to debate and implement constitutional alternatives capable of expanding the effectiveness of these types of demands, and access to justice. This article addresses the challenges and perspectives of the dejudicialization of judicial and extrajudicial executive titles, proposed in PL 6204/2019. As secondary objectives, the study discusses the basic characteristics of the execution procedure, the relevance of dejudicialization and access to substantial justice, and, finally, analyzes the challenges and perspectives of the dejudicialization of execution. The methodology used is qualitative bibliographical research. As a hypothesis, it aims, from the analysis of the main challenges and perspectives involved in PL 6,204/2019, to emphasize the relevance of dejudicialization as an alternative to expand access to justice in a material sense.


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Author Biographies

  • Ceila Sales de Almeida

    Doutora em Estado e Sociedade pela UFSB - Universidade Federal do Sul da Bahia. Mestre em Direitos Fundamentais pela FDV. Bacharel em Direito Ceseb FACISA. Integrante dos Grupos de Pesquisa Direito, Sociedade e Cultura, FDV e GEPEDESE da UFSB. Parecerista nas Revista Defensoria Pública de São Paulo e TRF1. 

  • André Blanco Mello

    Doutorando em Derecho pela Universidad John Kennedy de Buenos Aires. Mestre em Direito pela UFSC.


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How to Cite

DEJUDICIALIZATION OF EXECUTION: CHALLENGES AND PERSPECTIVES ON BILL 6204/2019. (2023). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(1), e412568.