


Diversity, families, learning.


Social and cultural diversity is there to prove that we are not all the same. This is because each person has a life story and their own characteristics that make them different from each other, so it is important to discuss and provoke a reflection about the various types of violence in the early grades and how the educator can act in the construction of a culture of peace, based on training that includes current issues such as school violence. In the first moment, in the light of the theoretical framework, knowledge about the faces of violence will be deepened, within an overview and the causes of these, as well as violence in the school environment, its manifestations and possible ways of facing it. . Taking as a starting point the awareness of the family and the presence of professionals such as an educational counselor and a psychologist who are prepared to deal with all this diverse demand with students who demonstrate that they do not know moral values, whether due to cultural background or some family disorder or to live in society and, even due to the socioeconomic conditions in which they live, not allowing them to accept and respect the duties that society imposes. We also show the education of Maracanaú - CE, where it was successful and where it needs to improve, because each school has a different reality. We have seen that the parents' love is essential for family balance the school.



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Author Biography

  • Cícera Rita Rogerio de Medeiros, Prefeitura Municipal de Fortaleza

    Professora da Secretaria Municipal de  Educação - Fortaleza.  Graduada em Pedagogia pela Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú – UVA. Habilitação em Língua Portuguesa e suas literaturas pela Faculdade Grande Fortaleza- FGF.  Especialista em Gestão escolar pela Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú – UVA. 




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How to Cite

VIOLENCE IN THE INITIAL GRADES OF THE MUNICIPAL PUBLIC SCHOOL. (2023). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(1), e412720.