



elaboration of a set of questions involving Combinatorial Analysis


This article is the result of the elaboration of a set of questions involving Combinatorial Analysis problems that are present in the syllabus of the 2nd year of High School. This activity was part of the evaluation of the subject Problem Solving in Mathematics Classes, of the Professional Master's Degree in Mathematics Teaching, offered by the Graduate Program (Strictu Sensu) in Mathematics Teaching, at the State University of Pará (UEPA). For the elaboration of the items, present in this work, the following criteria were taken into account: Bloom's Taxonomy, with questions that follow the student's learning stage; and questions that may be similar to the Basic Education Assessment System Test (SAEB); Questions from the Brazilian Mathematics Olympiad for Public Schools (OBMEP) and Brazilian Mathematics Olympiad (OBM); Recreational math questions; Public tender issues; and Questions from the National Secondary Education Exam (ENEM). To work on the content in the classroom, the use of the textbook and the use of a list of exercises is indicated with greater regularity. We conclude that most subjects related to the content on screen present a certain complexity when applied in applied problem-situations.
Keywords: Combinatorial Analysis. Elaboration of Questions. Bloom's Taxonomy.



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Author Biography

  • Anderson Amaro Vieira




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How to Cite

ON THE ELABORATION OF A SET OF QUESTIONS INVOLVING COMBINATORY ANALYSIS PROBLEMS FOCUSED ON HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION. (2023). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(2), e422811. https://doi.org/10.47820/recima21.v4i2.2811