


Digital workFlow, Computer-aided surgery, Computer-assisted surgery, Dental implant


The evolution of the scanning system, improvement in accuracy, made it possible to provide patients with greater agility in implant treatments. This study aims to describe a clinical case in which the previous prosthetic planning was performed with the recommended care to allow the guided installation of the maxillary implants and the immediate installation, at the same surgical time, of a total arch rehabilitation previously made in milled PMMA, in a fully digital flow, with the magnetic system of fittings.  A 64-year-old patient attended the Clinic of the master's course of ILAPEO, complaining of masticatory and aesthetic difficulty. After diagnosis and planning, rehabilitation with upper and lower implants was proposed, where the upper prosthesis was performed entirely in digital flow. Based on the experience collected, it was possible to conclude that guided surgery in implants with installation of immediate prosthesis previously milled and installed at the same surgical time is possible with the system of magnet-stackable guides, provided that the previous prosthetic planning is correctly performed.


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Author Biographies

  • Francis Paulo Loss

    Specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

    Master in Dentistry, concentration area Implantology- Faculdade Ilapeo

  • Fernando Lopes

    Master's student in Dentistry- Faculdade Ilapeo

  • Idalina Elise Alves da Silva Correia

    Master's student in Dentistry- Faculdade Ilapeo

  • Leandro Eduardo Klüppel

    Master and Doctor in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

    Professor of the Master's and Doctorate courses at Faculdad Ilapeo

  • Ivete Aparecida de Mattias Sartori

    Faculdade Ilapeo.


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