brief discussion about the training of indigenousAbstract
This brief study was developed in order to open a brief discussion about the training of indigenous teachers who are part of the Xavante society, in view of their educational indigences and the individuals of this community, who leave the villages in search of training in schools located in Mato Grosso, Brazil. It will be mentioned, the course of Letters, offered by the Federal University of Mato Grosso, which, in the opinion of the authors of this study, does not offer a training that contemplates the indigences of such public, however, it is known that the problem does not touch the course itself, or even the University, but rather, the lack of will of the Government for this issue. Thus, through this study and a bibliographic research, it was understood that education aimed at the public of indigenous peoples was guided, throughout the history of Brazil, by meanings that involve the subjugation of cultural dissimilarities, thus imposing "civilization". Thus, it is understood that, in addition to the indigenous who need to understand the language spoken in the urban educational space, seeking both to interact with their peers and also to evolve in studies, it is necessary that future indigenous teachers have some standard of preparation to receive their students in the classroom, so that the pattern of experiences experienced by indigenous people is valued.
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