Mathematics, Physical, Interdisciplinarity, Didatic resources, Teaching-learning processAbstract
Education is faced with many problems that hinder the teaching-learning process of Mathematics, one of them that presents itself quite intensely is the difficulty of understanding the problem-solving processes that are used in mathematics and physics and that provoke a lot of abstraction, in which the student asks questions such as "what is this for? Where am I going to apply?" Thus, students of basic education, especially high school students, are very confused in understanding certain mathematical subjects that are taught with a degree of difficulty that oscillates from the most accessible solution to the most complex. One of the ways to motivate the student to study mathematics is to make an interdisciplinarity with Physics, because it uses mathematics applied to contextualized situations of everyday life, that is, physics without mathematics is an incomplete science. The purpose of the work is to show one of the possibilities that exist of using didactic resources as an auxiliary teaching tool, to explain to students the usefulness of Mathematics, making it more motivating. The theme of the work has a very complex dimension, but it is delimited in the demonstration of three didactic resources from its construction to its use. This work is believed to be of interest to students, teachers, parents and the community at large. It can be used both in the undergraduate and graduate contexts, because its language is easy to understand.
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