



Higher Education, Pandemic, COVID-19


The COVID-19 pandemic represents one of the greatest global health challenges of this century. The coronavirus, called SARS-CoV-2, has its transmission process from person to person, through the autoinoculation of the virus in mucous membranes, and social isolation is its main prevention strategy. The Ministry of Health, on March 19, 2020, authorized the replacement of in-person classes with remote classes. This is an integrative review research that aimed to identify the main challenges in the teaching-learning process in higher education arising from the COVID-19 pandemic and, consequently, to describe the methodological strategies facing the teaching-learning process in the COVID-19 pandemic. Thus, the review was conducted through the Virtual Health Library (VHL) in the following databases: LILACS, BDENF and Google Scholar, in the period of October 2020, with the keywords: COVID-19; Higher Education; Pandemic. A total of 52 articles were located, a floating reading was performed, 22 articles were selected, and only 14 articles met the proposal related to the theme of the study. The articles were analyzed according to the steps of Bandin's thematic analysis and showed two categories: Challenges in the teaching-learning process in higher education arising from the COVID-19 pandemic and Methodological strategies in the face of the teaching-learning process in the COVID-19 pandemic. Finally, the study evidenced, through the literature review, the great difficulty on the part of the professors in resignifying, in an emergency way, the teaching-learning process in undergraduate courses.


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Author Biographies

  • Élcio Gomes dos Reis

    Nurse; Postgraduate degree in Higher Education Teaching from Cândido Mendes University; Urgency and Emergency, Family Health Strategy with emphasis on Public Health and ICU Nursing by FAVENI. Acts as an Internship Preceptor in the Technical Training Course in Nursing.


  • Miriam Maria Ferreira Guedes

    Nursing student at the University of Iguaçu 


  • Wanderson Alves Ribeiro

    Nurse; Master and PhD student at PACCS/EEAAC/UFF; Nursing undergraduate professor; Medical student at the University of Iguaçu. 

  • Letícia Pires de Araújo

    Medical Student at the University of Iguaçu.

  • João Luiz Ramos de Souza

    Nurse; Postgraduate in Health Educational Processes with emphasis on Active Methodology IEP Sírio Libanês; Medical student at the University of Iguaçu.


  • Lucas da Silva Lemos

    Nurse; professional master's student in health and environmental sciences.

  • Aline de Amorim da Silva

    Nurse at Celso Lisboa University. Medical student at the University of Iguaçu.

  • Priscilla Neves Fernandes

    Medical Student at the University of Iguaçu.


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How to Cite

TEACHING-LEARNING IN HIGHER EDUCATION DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC. (2023). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(5), e453188. https://doi.org/10.47820/recima21.v4i5.3188