


Democratic management has such


Democratic management has such importance that it shines on all fields of human development in the school sphere, titling the work: Democratic Management: Creativity and Learning. Thus, it is essential to reflect on a participative, efficient, creative, active, multiple management, contemplating all sectors in favor of learning qualitatively. The objective is to point out a basis that enables paths and studies of how to manage an educational institution in order to be a plural environment, of democratic, collegiate collective decisions, to the detriment of building a teaching and learning to students of quality and integral. Methodologically, we used a bibliographic analysis of authors who deal with the subject, among them: Andrade (2004), Lück (2006), Goleman (2011), Libâneo (2005), Libâneo (2080), Morin (2000), Freire (1983), Ausubel (1982). The results achieved were given by perceptions of the different forms of management and the differentiation of what it is to direct and manage, and to manage overlaps magnificently by privileging the democratic forms of collective administration in a social institution that is based on offering a quality and democratic formative environment which permeates the individual and excels in glimpsing the integral aspects of the human being with preaches the National Common Curricular Base ( BNCC).


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Author Biography

  • Carlos Alexandre Firme de Oliveira
    Graduated in Pedagogy from the State University of Vale do Acaraú (2003), he is a specialist in Literacy from the Potiguar University (UnP), 2010. Master in Education (2021) from the University of Santa Cruz do Sul - UNISC. He is currently a primary school teacher at the Municipality of Macaíba and Parnamirim. He has experience in the field of Education, with an emphasis on Meaningful Learning and Active Methodologies, Reading and Interactive Poetry, he developed projects and productions in the area of ​​Information and Communication Technology (Educational Robotics and Scientific Dissemination Articles) working mainly on the following topic: evaluation, learning, psychology and literacy in the 9-year Elementary School.


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How to Cite

PLAYFUL SCHOOL, DEMOCRATIC MANAGEMENT, CREATIVITY AND LEARNING. (2023). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(6), e463228.