


Law, Marriage, Stable Union


This scientific article has as its object of study the evolution in the law and in the society when it comes to the union of two people, whether referring to heterosexual or homoaffective relationships when analyzing Law 14.382/2022 and its respective effects in the legal scope, in particular when talking about the conversion of the Institute of Civil Union into Marriage and the facilitation that the Law as mentioned earlier brought to make possible the extrajudicial accomplishment of this. Therefore, this process was described using a clear timeline, traced in detail, regarding the historical, social, and legislative evolution that, over time, has been undergoing mutations for the improvement and speed of certain legal acts that involve Public Records, exceptionally those relating to family entities. The method used was deductive since the analysis started from the laws, theories, and activities of the courts, making it possible to arrive at the consequence of its applicability. As a result, it was concluded that the Law mentioned above brought clear legislative and judicial improvements to society, mainly because it is accessible and makes the procedural acts related to the effects of the Law under study faster and extrajudicial, discharging the judiciary of this function.


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Author Biographies

  • André da Silva Monteiro

    Unifsa - Centro Universitário Santo Agostinho.

  • Vivian Corvalan Ribeiro de Sousa

    Unifsa - Centro Universitário Santo Agostinho.


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How to Cite

CIVIL UNION / MARRIAGE: AN ANALYSIS OF THE LAW Nº 14,382/2022 EFFECTS. (2023). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(6), e463474.