technical resources currently availableAbstract
The aim of this study is to analyse the various technical resources currently available and the impact they have had on the lives of educational institutions and teachers due to the new measures associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. Digital resources are increasingly seen as tools for work, personal and professional growth. Schools and teachers need to prepare for these new challenges. Teaching is no longer just about teaching how to read and write, it's all about pencils, chalkboards, chalk, and classroom spaces. It is important to understand that education must adapt to the new reality, and that it is up to teachers to prepare for this new reality. New technical resources effectively contribute to innovative learning when used educationally by teachers. However, it is necessary to assess the ability of teachers to adapt to the role of content facilitator in contexts involving teachers, teacher challenges, teaching practices and use of technology. Another factor to be considered is the community to which the school belongs, as the impact of digital education goes beyond the use of digital devices. It is important to give students the opportunity to actively expand their knowledge and change their reality and where they live. Teachers step out of the comfort zone where students are the absolute masters and owners of all knowledge and embark on new paths where students can walk safely without fear, explore new means and explore new challenges.
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