in relation to school inclusion and how to contributeAbstract
This study discusses the conceptions of special education in relation to school inclusion and how to contribute to the inclusive trajectory. Most of the time teachers are not prepared to deal with differences found before the students in the school environment, so that they can ensure the learning of all equally, without exclusion. In this way, the playful practice becomes the most efficient way for inclusion to occur, because in addition to the game being part of the subject's life, it is through it that a collaborative work in the classroom is achieved, where students interact and share knowledge with their peers. The purpose of this work is to emphasize inclusive education, making it clear that there are laws that guarantee the right to all students equally. According to the law of Guidelines of Bases of National Education of 1986, it was perceived the enormous progress in the legislation, in view of the way the institution must work so that the inclusion becomes a reality. Therefore, a bibliographic research with qualitative characteristics was carried out, mediated by studies and articles by renowned authors in the area in question with the purpose of evidencing the importance of the inclusion of students, in general, in the educational process, ensuring the participation of all in an effective way, providing educational institutions with the search for new learning models and enhance the continuing education of their teachers so that they can meet this demand with quality.
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