Pedagogy, Psychopedagogy, Inclusion, Resource RoomAbstract
When looking for work aimed at rebuilding the education system, it is hoped that the standards of care offered to students with SEN - Special Educational Needs have the objective of promoting a true and quality inclusion, especially when it comes to SRM - Multifunctional Resource Room. In this way, this study aims to show in its scope a reflective approach, proving, through theoretical opinions of renowned scholars who speak about the area in question, all the importance of SRM when focused on AEE - Specialized Educational Assistance for students with SEN. However, it is important to say that schools that provide such a standard of care must never run away from the search for strategies and teaching standards that prove to be innovative, always remaining in partnership with their educators, in order to be able, in this way, to overcome the deficiencies characteristics of students with SEN and allow the method of inclusion to be really established, thus benefiting the totality of the needs of such students and not just doing justice to their physical permanence in school, however, still leading such students to truly meaningful learning , through a method of exchange among everyone in the school environment.
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