Youth and Adult Education., Teaching Practice., TechnologyAbstract
This research presents the empirical report of an internship in Youth and Adult Education, of the Degree in Computing, of the University of the State of Amazonas (UEA), held at the Maria Almeida do Nascimento State School, in the City of Coari - AM. The internship includes three moments, firstly, to observe and understand the dynamics of the school, the development of the class and the real situation of the students. The second moment is the effective co-participation of the trainees in the contribution to the process of teaching learning of the students, the third moment was when we acted as class conductor, this moment was divided into more theoretical sessions with concepts related to the subject of Mathematics. This whole moment is very important because it gives us direct access to the reality experienced in EJA and we can observe how seriously this education needs to be taken.
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