interrelationship between patriarchy and power, focusingAbstract
This article seeks to deepen the analysis of the interrelationship between patriarchy and power, focusing specifically on the Brazilian context. Starting with an introduction, the study aims to clarify the objectives and meaning of this analysis in the contemporary socio-political environment. The methodology section describes the interdisciplinary tools and methods employed to collect and evaluate the data. This is complemented by the theoretical framework, which outlines the main concepts and theories about patriarchy, power dynamics and their interconnections. The core of the research examines patriarchy and power in Brazil, shedding light on some of the unique cultural, historical, and political factors that have shaped the dynamics in this region. In the segment of results and discussion, a synthesis of the results obtained is made, detailing the profound impact of patriarchal structures on the distribution and exercise of power in Brazil. The study culminates in the concluding remarks section, which not only revisits the paper's core themes and insights, but also highlights the implications and recommendations for future research and policymaking. Through this comprehensive study, we hope to contribute to the growing discourse on gender and power dynamics around the world.
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