
  • Amilson Monteiro Miranda Filho
  • Emerson Silva de Oliveira
  • Nívea Larai Silva
  • Fabiola Souza da Silva
  • Kailiane Maciel da Silva
  • José Felix Florêncio Lemos
  • Francisca Taiane Coelho Viana Machado
  • Izequiel de Brito Santos




experiments. Physical. teaching learning. Simulations. teaching learning.


In the face of the debate about the methodologies used in the teaching of Physics, it is indispensable to value elements such as experiments and simulations, as they allow for the connection between theory and practice for students. In this context, the present research has the following problematizing question: "Is the use of low-cost simulations and experiments effective in the teaching-learning process of Physics?" The general objective of this study is to analyze whether didactic activities involving experiments and simulations, applied in the short term to 1st-year students at Escola Estadual Maria Almeida, contribute to a meaningful learning of the content related to Newton's Laws. The methodology adopted was a case study, using descriptive research methods. The obtained results showed that, even with the short application period, the developed activities were very beneficial and provided the students with a meaningful learning of Newton's Laws. Therefore, this study concludes by emphasizing the importance of using experimentation and simulations in the teaching and learning of Physics, as they enable the development of critical and scientific thinking in students.


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Author Biography

  • Amilson Monteiro Miranda Filho

    Universidade Federal do Amazonas - UFAM.


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How to Cite

TEACHING PHYSICS THROUGH LOW-COST SIMULATIONS AND EXPERIMENTS . (2023). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(9), e494019. https://doi.org/10.47820/recima21.v4i9.4019