Productivity. Cactaceae. Fruit growing.Abstract
The objective of this work was to evaluate the biometric and biomass characteristics of red dragon fruit (Hylocereus undatus) and its productivity on a monthly scale, during its reproductive phase. The experimental area is arranged with 72 tutors spaced at (2 x 2 m). Each tutor is coated with mulch, irrigated weekly with 5 L of water. The initial flowering period occurred between December 2022 and January 2023, harvests were carried out periodically between February and May 2023. The following variables were obtained: longitudinal diameter (Ø), base, central, apex, mass of the fruit with peel, without rind, rind, rind thickness, and estimates of the number of fruits and biomass produced. The variation in the monthly mean longitudinal (Ø) ranged from 64.69 to 73.72 mm, base 33.86 to 39.08 mm, central 61.39 to 69.82 mm, apex 21.65 to 30.18 mm. The average monthly biomass of the total fruit ranged from 175.74 to 257.34 g. The estimated number of fruits for the month of February was 13854, followed by values of 14688; 7986 and 6076 nº fruits.ha-1.month-1, respectively, for subsequent months. The estimated average monthly productivity ranged from 1.6 to 2.6 t.ha-1.month-1, with an annual uninterrupted fruiting, productivity can reach a level of 25.8 t.ha-1.year-1, without any intervention of fertilization. It is concluded that pitaya is very promising for the semi-arid region, since it is an exotic culture of semi-arid climate, given the preliminary results it aims to boost its diffusion.
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