Consumer behavior, Value attributes, CrossfitAbstract
The global fitness establishment market has experienced significant growth, with Brazil standing out as a prominent player in this sector. As a result, major companies have turned their attention towards it. Even CrossFit, a fitness trend, was quick to seize the opportunity. About 9 years ago, CrossFit decided to expand its presence in Brazil, a move that was met with enthusiastic acceptance. This surge in popularity prompted numerous fitness enthusiasts to establish CrossFit gyms (referred to as "cajas"), effectively spreading the modality across the entire country. However, this rapid expansion occurred without a structured approach or comprehensive market analysis by those pursuing entrepreneurial endeavors within this field. The primary objective of this article was to assess the pivotal factors that influence decision-making within the realm of functional fitness for the general public. By doing so, the insights provided by this research aim to assist managers in making informed decisions and developing strategic plans. This, in turn, helps foster customer retention and growth for the entire sector. This study involved structured interviews with individuals immersed in the CrossFit environment. The investigation, conducted via an online questionnaire, garnered responses from 299 participants representing all states and the Federal District. The findings unveiled essential attributes that significantly impact the selection process of a CrossFit gym for both current clients and practitioners at large. Additionally, positive correlations emerged between the factors identified in the Service Judgment Scale and those featured in the CrossFit Box Attributes Scale.
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