current article has as theme “Correction of negativeAbstract
The current article has as theme “Correction of negative externalities resultant of natural resource exploration in Belize, and to guide the work it was made the following scientific question: how to correct the negative externalities resultant of natural resources exploration in Belize? Through the theoretical boarding that elucidate about externalities and its respective ways of correction, and through the exploratory research, it is admissible as hypothesis that, to correct the negative externalities resultant of natural resources exploration in Belize, the governor must adopt police measures, binding limits in natural resources exploration; actuate market instruments taxing the companies according to the adverse effect caused and create a propitious environment so that the companies may correct negative externalities by bargaining between them and the parts affected by adverse effect caused by them. The goal of this article is to propound measures for the correction of negative externalities resultant of natural resources exploration in the region in study. For that, hypothetical-deductive and statistical methods were used. For the data collection, questionnaire, a structured interview, documentary analysis and observation were used. According to what was found, for the correction of negative externalities in region in study, it is propounded that the governor materialize the forest resupplying actions, create the figure of woodman, build roads according to the kind of vehicles that circulate in the region even pike and create incentives so that the companies adopt actions of social responsibility.
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