Gamification. Pedagogy. Education. School.Abstract
Inclusive Education is of paramount importance and it is noted, therefore, that along with its relevance there is another theme, which permeates Autism and the contribution of the new assistive technology for these students, which is still studied in a little intense way by professionals in the educational field. With this in mind, this study aims to present an abbreviated historical course about Autism, highlighting its meanings, characteristics and certain paths that are indispensable for the inclusion of autistic students in schools of the regular education network, discussing in relation to the laws that guarantee Education to all, as well as in relation to the law that, Specifically, it seeks to protect autistic people, highlighting the importance of new assistive technology for these students. In this study, the autistic child will be evidenced as a being of singular character, who provides care that involves stimuli to achieve learning, in view of its particularities that entangle this learning. For the construction of this study, a bibliographic research was carried out, adjusted to the central themes of famous scholars who talk about autism, Education and inclusion. Through this study, we seek to identify the important existence of pedagogical practices that contribute to the inclusion of autistic students, mediating the planning of cohesive curricular adaptations with the particular needs of each student, treading essential paths for everyone to reach their learning.
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