emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic broughtAbstract
The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic brought numerous difficulties to society in the various sectors, in this panorama, the educational sector was not left out, requiring emergency changes from educational institutions, thus making room for non-face-to-face teaching modalities, which became enormously evident, since they allowed the continuity of the teaching-learning process. Therefore, this study aims to develop an analysis of the relevance of working with active methodologies aimed at remote teaching and its contribution to the teaching-learning process. To this end, a theoretical-bibliographic research was carried out based on concepts presented by authors in the literature to better understand the importance of remote teaching during the pandemic period. With this, it is revealed that the non-face-to-face teaching modality has its vulnerabilities, which result from problems with the internet, and are related to the space reserved for study and certain impasses with online platforms. Thus, it is understood that the role of the student as the protagonist of the teaching-learning process in the online modality is fundamental for the acquisition of knowledge, but on the other hand, there are certain interventions that prevent the development of the student's autonomy.
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