Education. School. Management. Pandemic. Supervision.Abstract
The research presented here has the purpose of bringing a reflexive approach about the work of the school manager and supervisor and their relationship with the teaching staff in the school unit, without forgetting to highlight the responsibilities attributed to the exercise of these professionals, showing that they are included in the development of the planning, organization and execution of the school pedagogical project. in addition to mentioning their hierarchical positions in front of their teams and how they can interfere in the development of the school unit in general. To this end, this research presents as a theoretical foundation some conceptions of bibliographic nature, coming from renowned authors and who discuss in their works the theme addressed here, with the purpose of making known the historical process that encompasses the manager and the school supervisor, in view of their responsibilities, from their beginning to the changes that occurred in their attributions and that are currently active. seeking, therefore, to highlight the intrinsic leadership position of their functions, in addition to presenting the conceptions and all the factors that comprise their work within the educational institution.
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