



Loyalty. Client. Quality.


The agricultural machinery sector plays a key role in global agricultural productivity. Customer loyalty in this market is of great importance, as customer retention can significantly impact company profits. This scientific article aims to investigate the main factors that influence customer loyalty in the agricultural machinery sector. The research is based on a review of existing literature, which highlights the relevance of factors such as product quality, after-sales services, customer service, brand reliability and competitive pricing. Furthermore, the study considers the influence of technological changes and the demands of the consumer market. The results of this research contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the elements that impact customer loyalty in the agricultural machinery sector. These findings can guide the marketing and customer relationship strategies of companies in the sector, aiming to improve customer retention and, consequently, business profitability. This study emphasizes the importance of creating lasting bonds with customers through the delivery of quality products and services, in addition to highlighting the need to be aware of changes in the market and consumer expectations to remain competitive in the agricultural machinery industry.



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Author Biographies

  • Gustavo Smaniotto

    Cooperativa Educacional de Vilhena RO FAVOO.

  • Fabiana Holler Baptista

    Gustavo Smaniotto, Graduating from the 8th period of the Accounting Sciences Course at the Educational Cooperative of Vilhena RO – FAVOO


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How to Cite

FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE CUSTOMER LOYALTY OF AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY. (2023). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 4(11), e4114524. https://doi.org/10.47820/recima21.v4i11.4524