Money, Success in life, Financial Management, Financial Control, Child EducationAbstract
In a country where financial education practices are not part of the population's reality, the media exploits children's vulnerabilities to attract new consumers, which is understandable in a capitalist world. The way parents position themselves on this issue in relation to their children makes a huge difference in the development of that child's knowledge of financial and critical education. The main objective of this research is to understand the level of knowledge that individuals have in relation to financial education, with the specific way of quantifying this knowledge and measuring the vision regarding the need to address this subject from early childhood education. The construction of the writing is based on logical and scientific methods, through quantitative and qualitative research through a sampling of the adult population regarding their knowledge about their financial life and limitations. To this end, we used a survey of published works, consisting of books, magazines, periodicals, scientific articles and academic works, all found in virtual libraries such as SciELO and Google Scholar. The result generated after applying the questionnaires to individuals demonstrated something already expected by researchers on the subject, in almost all of the questionnaire applied, the interviewees reported having difficulties in managing their financial lives, pointing out a need to learn about the subject. even in the early years of elementary school.
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