European Vanguards. Digital technologies. Cooperative approach. Multidisciplinary. Protagonism.Abstract
This article reports on a pedagogical experience that had as its generating theme the European Vanguards and the use of digital technologies in a cooperative and multidisciplinary approach, carried out in the state education network, in a second year high school class, with 28 students, integrating four components curriculum: Art, History, Portuguese Language and Literature. The general objective was to analyze and demonstrate the effectiveness of a collaborative and multidisciplinary approach, supported by the use of digital technologies, in promoting historical-cultural understanding of the European Vanguards, aiming to stimulate creativity, the active participation of students and the development of communication skills. research, communication and expression. This was made possible through the use of digital technologies as innovative and interactive pedagogical practices, which allowed connections between different areas of knowledge and expanded understanding of the topic under study. The pedagogical practices were carried out over 10 weeks using 7 periods of Portuguese Language and 10 periods of History, Art and Literature, totaling 37 classes, which are described in the methodology, which presents the report of the experience and the phases of cooperative work. It should be noted that this multidisciplinary project can be replicated by teachers from any area of knowledge, the contents covered can be replaced and the planning can be used so that teachers can innovate their teaching methodologies and allow students to become protagonists of their own learning.
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