
  • Cindy Perella



Personal Branding. Self Knowlodge. Self-esteem


The present study investigated the impact of Personal Branding on the self-esteem of 17 women, exploring participants' perceptions of themselves. Initially, the article contextualizes Personal Branding as a journey of self-discovery and discusses the importance of self-esteem in the workplace, especially for the female audience who find this theme challenging. During the research, participants, who had to be women who had already undergone a Personal Branding process, responded to self-esteem questionnaires and were instructed to evaluate their self-esteem before and after the intervention, as well as responding to two tests, obtaining a score of their self-esteem. The results indicated an increase in self-esteem perception after the Personal Branding process and good levels of self-esteem at present. However, it was highlighted the theoretical and subjective nature of the concept of self-esteem, suggesting caution in interpreting the results. It is concluded that Personal Branding may have a positive impact on women's self-esteem, promoting self-awareness and strengthening personal identity. These findings highlight the importance of this process as a potential tool to promote women's self-esteem and personal empowerment, although acknowledging the inherent complexity in measuring this construct and the need for further research to validate these findings.


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Author Biography

  • Cindy Perella



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How to Cite

IMPACT OF PERSONAL BRANDING ON WOMEN’S SELF-ESTEEM EVALUATION. (2024). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 5(6), e565243.