


Literacy definitions. Linguistic Variations definitions. Ideology.


In order to conceptualize Literacy and Linguistic Variations, this article infers that a literate person is not always necessarily literate. With regard to the former, it is defined as an individual capable of interacting in society using formal language, while the other, on the other hand, makes use of language informally. The latter is most often influenced by linguistic diversity, which varies depending on social, regional and historical conditions. The article, then, seeks to clarify that the literate person is the person who knows how to read and write; A literate person is one who knows how to read and write, but follows the norm and standard required for reading and writing. The study seeks to clarify the use of written and spoken language, attending to the social environment where it is being applied, avoiding embarrassment in communication. Thus, the aforementioned article goes deep into the interpretation of what is Literacy, Linguistic Variation and its definitions and consequences. The implications caused by the myth between what is Literacy and Linguistic Variations, implying a reflection according to the discussions guided by Marcuschi (2001) and Bagno (2000) in relation to the subject. Linguistic variation caused difficulties in teaching even when it could be defined by areas.



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Author Biography

  • Edgar Conceição Filho

    Graduado em Letras com Inglês pela Faculdade de Tecnologia e Ciências – FTC. 2ª Graduação em Pedagogia pela Faculdade Educacional da Lapa – FAEL. Pós-graduado em Metodologia do Ensino da Língua Portuguesa e Inglesa pela Universidade Cândido Mendes - UCAM. Pós Graduado em Educação de Jovens e Adultos, pelo Centro Universitário –UNIFATECIE. Pós Graduado em Linguagens e Suas Tecnologias e o Mundo do Trabalho, pela Universidade Federal do Piauí – UFPI. Pós Graduado em Educação Profissional e Tecnológica pelo Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo – IFES. Cursado em Pesquisador da Língua e Cultura Yorùbá pelo Centro de Estudos Afro Oriental da Universidade Federal da Bahia - CEAO - UFBA. Mestrando em Educação com Especialização nas TICs pela  Universidade Europeia do Atlântico (UNEATLANTICO).



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How to Cite

LITERACY AND LINGUISTIC VARIATIONS. (2024). RECIMA21 - Revista Científica Multidisciplinar - ISSN 2675-6218, 5(5), e555267.